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General Dentist Solutions: for quality root canal treatment in Ottawa


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Retreatment of the Root Canal

Root canal treatment is often the only way to save a tooth whose pulp is infected. However, sometimes, despite the initial success of such a procedure, the disease returns and once again puts the viability of the tooth at risk. At this point, it may be necessary to perform a root canal. This treatment offered at General Dentist Solutions by your Ottawa dentistaims to treat the new infection.

What is a retreatment of the root canal?

This expression refers to a second root canal treatment after the first one has been performed. This is not a common occurrence, but it is not exceptional. Indeed, it happens that the first intervention did not give the expected results or that a second infection appears on a tooth that was treated. This is called residual infection or reinfection.

Why do residual infections develop?

  • The canals were not properly cleaned during the first treatment.
  • This may be due to their narrowness or unusual shape. Some canals that are hard to detect are sometimes even simply forgotten;
  • New bacterial infiltration due to delays in the placement of the final restoration (crown, filling or inlay);
  • Failure to install or break in the final restoration, leading to saliva penetration into the tooth;
  • The development of a new cavity that gradually deepens.


When should a root canal be performed?

A root canal re-treatment is necessary when new traces of deep infection are detected. This can happen a few weeks, months or even years after a first treatment. The infectious state can be seen by certain symptoms, for example the return of sharp pain that persists for several days or an inflammation of the gum near the affected tooth, that may be accompanied by pus eruptions. Sensitivity to heat, cold and pressure that persists for several weeks after an initial root canal treatment is also a sign to watch out for.

Is the procedure different from a regular root canal?

Root canal retreatment is performed in much the same way as the original procedure. It also aims to clean up the root canals to remove all traces of infected tissue. To do this, the dentist drills the tooth and then cleans and reshapes the canals before filling and resealing the tooth. It should be noted, however, that a root canal cannot be performed on a tooth that has been fractured or affected by deep decay.

General Dentist Solutions:
for quality root canal treatment in Ottawa

If you are showing signs of re-infection, don't hesitate to call on the services of Dr. Koniouchine's team, your general dentist in Ottawa. He will be able to perform all the steps of a root canal (assessment, x-rays, cleaning of the canals, restoration of the tooth), even if we did not do the initial treatment ourselves. This way, we can make sure that your tooth is worry-free!


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We believe you shouldn't have to pay a small fortune for a smile you'll love.


Retreatment of the Root Canal

1 Canal


2 Canals


3 Canals


4 Canals


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    Tuesday: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm
    Wednesday: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm
    Thursday: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm
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    F. (613) 686-1530