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Some useful post-surgical information


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Post-op Follow-up

Dr. Koniouchine of General Dentist Solutions is able to perform a wide range of dental procedures, including root canals, cosmetic procedures and dental surgery. Although he has the skills to ensure the success of these procedures, you also have a responsibility to do so. It is important to follow certain guidelines to facilitate healing. Here is some useful post-surgical information.

What to do after a surgery?

It is normal, after surgery, to have unpleasant symptoms (pain, swelling, bleeding). However, they can be controlled by taking certain actions and precautions. Moreover, a convalescence period during which you will have to change your habits is often necessary to ensure good recovery.

General advice


  • For 24 hours after extraction, grafting (bone or gum) or implant placement, be sure to stay quiet at home. Avoid even the simplest activities of daily life (cooking, washing dishes, small household chores).
  • When sleeping or resting, avoid lying completely horizontal. Prop your head up with two or three pillows or adopt a sitting or semi-sitting position.
  • Do not resume training or physical work in the days or weeks following surgery. Your dentist will let you know when you can resume sports and activities requiring strength.


  • Bleeding in the hours following an extraction, grafting, sinus lift or dental implant placement is completely normal. Although it usually clears up on its own, you can control bleeding by biting down on sterile gauze or a clean cloth. If bleeding persists, use a cooled tea bag to apply gentle pressure to the area.
  • Saliva sometimes remains slightly stained for several hours, which is normal. If you are tempted to rinse your mouth to clear it, do not do so! This could interfere with coagulation and cause further bleeding.
  • After a wisdom tooth is removed or an implant is placed, a blood clot may form at the site of the procedure. Do not dislodge it, since it helps the healing process.

Swelling and Bruising: It is normal for the jaw to swell and/or bruise within two to three days after an extraction, implant, graft or sinus lift. The swelling and bruising should resolve within 7 to 10 days. However, it is possible to limit these symptoms by applying ice to the jaw for 20 minutes per hour for the first 24 hours. After that, use warm compresses instead.

Diet: It is recommended that you change your diet for a period of time depending on the type of surgery. In all cases, hot, spicy and hard to chew foods should be avoided for a few days. After the surgery, start with a soft or liquid diet consisting of warm soups, yogurt, compotes, Boost or Ensure supplements, and well-cooked pasta. Then, depending on your comfort level, gradually return to your normal routine.

Medication: Your Ottawa dentist may prescribe painkillers and/or antibiotics. If they are prescribed, it is very important to take them in the correct dosage and to finish the treatment as directed, even if the pain and symptoms have disappeared.

Advice for specialized care


  • Avoid smoking for two weeks before the graft.
  • If your dentist has given you special instructions, follow them carefully. If your dentist has prescribed antibiotics or antiseptic mouthwash, take it as directed.

Diet: Eat a cold, liquid diet for 24 to 48 hours. For the next month, choose smooth, soft foods such as well-cooked pasta, soups and purées.

Smoking and alcohol: Avoid smoking for a minimum of three months, as it interferes with tissue oxygenation and healing. As for alcohol, do not consume it the first few days after the graft.

Dentures: Wear them only when absolutely necessary, i.e. when you are in public.

Hygiene routine: Do not brush your teeth for the first three days to avoid moving liquid in your mouth or spitting it out. Afterwards, brush your teeth with a mixture of baking soda and water, avoiding going near the operated area.

Mouthwash: Your Ottawa dentist may prescribe an antiseptic mouthwash. If so, use this product; otherwise rinse your mouth with warm salt water. However, be careful not to move the fluid around your mouth for the first few days. As well, avoid spitting. Instead, let the mouthwash or salt water gently drip out of your mouth.

Additional tips:

  • Do not blow your nose forcefully for a minimum of two weeks.
  • Do not fly for at least one and a half months after the procedure.
  • Do not use a straw to drink your liquids.
  • Your stitches should be removed after two weeks.
  • If the symptoms described here last beyond a normal period of time, worsen, or return after they first subside, contact us. Notify us promptly if you have a fever or a gritty or sandy feeling inside your nose.

Bone grafting and sinus lift

Gum grafting

Pain: It is normal to feel pain for four or five days after the graft. Because of this, you may have difficulty opening your mouth properly. This is not a cause for concern, unless it continues or becomes worse. If this happens, call your Ottawa dentist right away.

Graft care: To clean the graft, rinse your mouth three times a day with the antiseptic mouthwash provided. However, wait until the day after the procedure to begin and continue until the graft is completely healed.

Oral hygiene: Avoid brushing your teeth for the first 24 hours. After that, be careful not to go near the graft. Wait three weeks before flossing in this area.

Smoking and alcohol: To avoid complications such as abnormal bleeding or infection, do not smoke for at least two weeks after the graft. Also avoid alcohol for a minimum of the first 48 hours.

Other information:

  • Stitches will be removed two weeks after the graft.
  • The graft sometimes fades in the days following the procedure. It should gradually return to its normal colour, as should the gums.
  • Avoid rinsing your mouth vigorously, spitting or drinking through a straw for a minimum of 24 hours.

This is a relatively simple procedure that takes place over two appointments. During the first appointment, the treated tooth or teeth are prepared and impressions are taken for the design and fabrication of the crown or bridge. During the second visit, we install the piece previously fabricated in the laboratory.

Temporary crown or bridge: Between the two appointments, a temporary crown or bridge is placed to protect the teeth. If this temporary piece comes off during the waiting period, simply contact us. Your Ottawa dentist will put it back in place.

Diet: Overall, ou do not need to change your diet after the procedure. However, be careful not to chew directly on the treated tooth or teeth. Also avoid hard or sticky foods: nuts, popcorn, gum, caramels, gummies, etc.

Hygiene Routine: There is no need to wait before resuming your normal hygiene routine. However, don't press too hard when brushing the crown or bridge and take precautions when flossing. Don't pull the floss toward the tops of the teeth, but rather slide the floss in from the side. If you prefer, use a floss threader.

Sensitivity and pain: The affected tooth or teeth will probably be sensitive for a few days, but it is not normal to feel real pain. If this is the case, if the sensitivity persists or increases, or if you have trouble opening your mouth properly, call us immediately.

What is there to know about installing a dental crown or bridge?


Check out our informative articles prepared by our dedicated team on oral health and the various dental treatments offered at our clinic.

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      Tuesday: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm
      Wednesday: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm
      Thursday: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm
      Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
      F. (613) 686-1530